

  • to look at
  • to watch
  • to observe
  • to behold
  • to advise
  • concept
  • point of view
  • outlook



  • 众人数庞大。
    The audience was very large.
  • 众深受感动。
    The audience was deeply affected.
  • 她带我参了校园。
    She showed me around the campus.
  • 的历史存在吗?
    Does objective history exist?
  • 察鸟类是个很好的业余爱好。
    Bird watching is a nice hobby.
  • 我的计划是参苏格兰的古堡。
    My plan is visiting old castles in Scotland.
  • 他的演说赢得了众热烈的掌声。
    The audience clapped loudly after his speech.
  • 大部分众是年幼的儿童。
    The audience was largely made up of very young children.
  • 察放大了一万倍的细菌。
    Observe bacteria magnified ten thousand times.
  • 你能安排一个晚上坐光巴士吗?
    Can you arrange for a night tour bus?
Chinese Tones