
  • self
  • oneself
  • from
  • since
  • naturally
  • surely



  • 我觉得己像是不请来似的。
    I felt as if I were an uninvited guest.
  • 赛义认为数学家足的独行于一小块天堂。
    Saeb thinks mathematicians are self-contained walking pieces of heaven.
  • 他赢了冠军就擂了起来。
    He boasted of having won the first prize.
  • 约翰对己的能力很有信。
    John has confidence in his ability.
  • 他只不过是个利的人。
    He is nothing more than an egoist.
  • 我祖父一个人的时候,有时会语。
    My grandfather sometimes talks to himself when he is alone.
  • 这听起来可能像是我在擂, 但是。。。
    This may sound like blowing my own horn, but ...
  • 语地说:「我接着该到哪儿去呢?」
    She said to herself, "where shall I go next?"
  • 助餐厅是一种助式的餐厅。
    A cafeteria is a self-service style restaurant.
  • 吸烟等于杀。
    Smoking means suicide.
Chinese Tones