Bō shì dùn


  • Boston, capital of Massachusetts


  • 他们结了婚并定居在波士顿附近。
    They got married and settled near Boston.
  • 波士顿的鸽子又胖又自豪。
    The pigeons of Boston are fat and proud.
  • 波士顿对我来说已经太冷了,更遑论是芝加哥。
    Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago.
  • 塔夫斯大学是波士顿一家十分有名的大学。
    Tufts University is a very famous school in Boston.
  • 从苏黎世到波士顿坐飞机要八个小时,但是返回时只要六个。
    It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip.
Chinese Tones