

  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)



  • 河比那长三倍。
    This river is three times longer than that one.
  • 我想试一下那蓝色纹裙。
    I would like to try the blue striped skirt.
  • 印度国旗叫做「三色旗」,因为它是由三不同颜色的色组成的 ﹣ 橙Ɩ
    The Indian flag is called the tricolour because it has stripes of three colours – saffron, white and green.
  • 领带多少钱?
    How much is this tie?
  • 鱼没有毒。
    This fish is free from poison.
  • 胡同跟另一连接,四合院跟其他四合院连接形成一个街区,而街区
    One hutong connects with another, siheyuans connect with other siheyuans to form a block, and blocks join with other blocks to form the whole city.
  • 鱼还是活的吗?
    Is this fish still alive?
  • 摸这蛇安全吗?
    Is this snake safe to touch?
  • 沿着这街直走。
    Go straight on down this street.
  • 你能回答这问题吗?
    Can you answer this question?
Chinese Tones