bǎ mén


  • to stand as a goalkeeper
  • to keep guard on a gate


  • 转动门把,把门打开。
    Turn the knob and open the door.
  • 我开门的时候把门柄扭了出来。
    I tried to open the door, and the doorknob came off.
  • 你能把门关上吗?
    Could you shut the door?
  • 把门闩上。
    He shut the door behind him.
  • 我们把门涂成了绿色。
    We painted the door green.
  • 你可以不把门开著吗?
    Would you please not leave the door open?
  • 「你可以帮忙把门关上吗?」「可以,当然可以。」
    "Would you mind shutting the door?" "No, not at all."
Chinese Tones