

  • sign
  • mark
  • to record
  • to write a footnote



  • 这是报纸还是杂
    Is this a newspaper or a magazine?
  • 这种杂对年轻人有害。
    This kind of magazine can do harm to young people.
  • 那家店卖报纸和杂
    That shop sells newspapers and magazines.
  • 他是时代杂的记者。
    He is a reporter for Time magazine.
  • Mick等待约会的时候靠读杂打发时间。
    Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date.
  • 报纸、杂和新闻广播讲述着世界上正在发生的事。
    Newspapers, magazines, and newscasts tell what is going on in the world.
  • 一些大学生在假期做愿者去非洲,帮助当地完善野生生物管理。
    During the holidays, some university students go to Africa as volunteers and help to perfect local wildlife conservation.
Chinese Tones