
  • used in 垃圾[la1 ji1]
  • Taiwan pr. [se4]


  • 关于这个问题,我觉得垃媒体只报道了很片面的信息。
    Concerning this issue, I feel that the trash media only report biased information.
  • 为了避开警方的追捕,狄马只好在垃箱里过了一晚。
    Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster.
  • 父亲生前留下来的老古董,原来只是一堆不值钱的垃
    The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk.
  • 第二天早上,狄马从垃箱里走了出来,但却发现自己全身的衣服都沾上
    The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage.
Chinese Tones