wéi yī


  • only
  • sole



  • 死是唯一的解脱吗?
    Is death the only release?
  • 唯一的兴趣是集邮。
    Her only hobby is collecting stamps.
  • 他是唯一一个游过英吉利海峡的美国人。
    He is the only American who has swum the English Channel.
  • 期望 Cobb 小姐回来的唯一一人。
    The only person who is tired of waiting for Miss Cobb.
  • 人是唯一会使用火的动物。
    Man is the only animal that can make use of fire.
  • 一个差劲的厨师和下毒者唯一的不同在于他们的意图。
    The only difference between a bad cook and a poisoner is the intent.
  • Mike是董事会里唯一的男性。
    Mike is the only man on the board.
  • 鲍勃是我们班上唯一会讲西班牙语的学生。
    Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class.
  • 我意识到这个可怕的地下室是唯一可以救我们命的地方。
    I realized then that this awful cellar was the only place that could save our lives.
Chinese Tones