
  • entirely
  • without exception
  • (literary) to be together
  • to be alike



  • 她有与生来的尊严。
    She has inherent dignity.
  • 加入我们的乐部吗?
    Will you join our club?
  • 我辞去了乐部司库的职位。
    I resigned from my position as club treasurer.
  • 我是网球乐部的会员。
    I am a member of the tennis club.
  • 你还不如立刻退出这个乐部。
    You may as well withdraw from the club right away.
  • 他因为触犯会规,被踢出了乐部。
    He was excluded from the club for infractions of the rules.
  • 他们把 John 踢出了乐部。
    They excluded John from the club.
  • 他受邀做乐部的主席。
    He was invited to be the chairman of the club.
  • 我们的乐部的人数比你们多三倍。
    Our club has three times as many members as yours.
  • 旗袍因有与众不同的特点而在国际时尚界享有与日增的名望。
    With its distinctive Chinese features, the qipao enjoys growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.
Chinese Tones