"Introductory" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 xù yán preface / introductory remarks / preamble / prelude
 xù lùn introduction / introductory chapter
 dǎo rù qī introductory phase or period
 yī (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she") / second person singular pronoun ("you") / (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she") / (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning / that (preceding a noun)
 yù (arch. introductory particle) / then / and then
 lì yán introductory remarks
 rù mén kè chéng introductory course / primer
 qǐ jù chapeau / heading / introductory paragraph
  chapeau / heading / introductory paragraph
 yǐn duàn chapeau / heading / introductory paragraph
  chapeau / heading / introductory paragraph
 tí xù to compose a preface (or introductory remarks, etc) / question (or section) order (on an exam paper) / question (or section) number
Chinese Tones