sān cì


  • third
  • three times
  • (math.) degree three, cubic (equation)


  • 三次测量,一次切除。
    Measure thrice, cut once.
  • 汤姆被闪电击中过三次
    Tom has been struck by lightning three times.
  • 他访问过法国三次
    He has been to France three times.
  • 这点药一天吃三次
    These medicines should be taken three times a day.
  • 他童年时去过巴黎三次
    As a child, he went to Paris three times.
  • 我再看一次《王子復仇记》,加起来一共就看过三次了。
    I will have read Hamlet three times if I read it again.
Chinese Tones